What is INDEX?

What is INDEX? An index is 'a guide or pointer to facilitate reference' towards a goal. That goal is a Biblical one: "physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come" (1 Timothy 4:8). We want to guide and equip STUDENTS & YOUNG WORKERS (ages 17-30), for the physical life in this world; but more importantly to encourage your spiritual growth in Godliness so you grow up mature and closer to the Lord Jesus Christ.

How to study the Bible


The Inductive Bible Study gives us a framework of questions to ‘unpack’ the message of any passage or book of the Bible, and helps us then to practically apply its teachings to our lives in a Christ-centred way.


1) OBSERVATION: “What does the passage actually say?”
  • Keywords (e.g. redemption, grace, glory of God, Jesus, etc.)
  • Linking Words (e.g. therefore, and, because, yet, etc.)
  • Cause and Effect statements (“He became sin, so that we might be made righteous”)
  • Issues being addressed (e.g. unbelief, heresy, suffering, legalism, etc.)


2) INTERPRETATION: “What does the passage mean?”
  • What is the primary message or theme of the passage?
  • What is the purpose of the text (e.g. to encourage, warn, convict, give hope, resolve confusion, etc.)?
  • Are there any parallel or related passages which help us understand some of the issues or words more fully?
  • How does the passage relate to its original context in redemptive history (e.g. is it OT Law) and how should we now understand it in light of the larger context of the gospel of grace and restoration of all things in Christ (e.g. the Law is our tutor to lead us to realise we need the righteousness of Christ as the Law only convicts us of sin and brings death)?
  • What does it teach us doctrinally (e.g. about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Grace, the Gospel, the Christian Life, etc.)?


3) APPLICATION: “What are the implications for your life needing a response?”
  • The gospel of Jesus is the Christian life, so how do these implications connect to and flow out of the Christ-centred gospel of grace?
  • How does the passage apply to the realities of your life as: (1) a saint, (2) a sufferer, and (3) a sinner?
  • What commands are there which you should obey?
  • What promises are there you should trust?
  • In what ways does this passage increase your cause to worship God?
  • How does the passage affect practical issues in your life (e.g. walk with the Lord, money, work, family, relationships, etc.)