What is INDEX?

What is INDEX? An index is 'a guide or pointer to facilitate reference' towards a goal. That goal is a Biblical one: "physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come" (1 Timothy 4:8). We want to guide and equip STUDENTS & YOUNG WORKERS (ages 17-30), for the physical life in this world; but more importantly to encourage your spiritual growth in Godliness so you grow up mature and closer to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Night 7: Discipline of Walking by Faith

The Discipline of Walking By Faith

Joel this evening took us through this discipline, giving us some helpful things to think through, particularly these two:
1)      Faith in What?:- God’s control, power, promises, and saving-power
2)      How to practice Faith?:- Gifted from God; Knowledge from the scriptures and belief they are true; Relationship of walking daily with God through life in faith; Experience of growing in confidence in faith from having seen God work; and finally Testing, as God does put us through situations to cause our faith to grow and become more steadfast.

Charles Finney, a 19th century evangelist says the following about what characterises a life living by faith in Jesus Christ:
  • exempt from worries because faith brings rest in God who has overcome all things
  • peace with God, because of faith in the work of Christ
  • a joyous and useful life
  • a humble life, as emptied of pride and self-reliance
  • a cheerful life that is faithfully satisfied with God and His providence
  • a self-denying life as the soul is safe with God, so all other comforts of this life are petty
  • a spiritual life in communion with God the Father, in the God the Son, through the Holy Spirit who dwells in the heart by faith
  • a prayerful life which is expectant and confident in God
  • a hopeful life that is not easily discouraged for our confidence is in mighty God
  • an active and useful life, knowing the terrible peril of sinners
  • a gospel liberated life, which does the spiritual disciplines not out of obligation but because we love and trust God
“These results constitute real life”
(You can read all he said in this article: http://www.gospeltruth.net/1854OE/540607_living_by_faith.htm)

These things don’t make you someone who lives by faith, as if it’s a qualification you get if you tick the right boxes.  No!  Instead, if you live by faith these things will increasingly become a reality in your life, and what a life it is.

What situations are you currently going through that need you to walk by faith:
  • financial strains?
  • exam and assignment deadlines competing with church and Christian involvement (even your quiet times!)?
  • illness in family or friends?
  • difficult emotions ranging from homesickness to depression?
  • success at work and studies?  (for we need to walk by faith extra carefully when things seem to be going well!)
Take a few minutes to pray for the Lord’s help to walk by faith through the things in your life where you are at right now.

Let me let scripture have the last word: “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. Now, the life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” (Galatians 2:20)

God bless
David Nixon

Monday, November 1, 2010

Night 6 - The Discipline of Worship

Last night we were thinking about the Discipline of Worship.

We defined this as "the attitude and activity of consistently declaring God's worth and majesty".

We learned that Biblical worship is always a RESPONSE to the REVELATION of God to us and thanksgiving for His RESCUING of us.  This worship is something we can give Him through every activity we do each day, if we will purposefully turn it to glorifying God.  We also learned that we can worship God through whatever circumstances we find ourselves in: from the depths of the Valley of the Shadow of Death, all the way up to the heights of the Mount of Transfiguration where we see and meet with the glorified Jesus. 

A very helpful video about worship to watch and think about is what John Piper says about a lesson that changed his way of worshipping God forever:

John Piper - "Why Does God Command Us To Worship Himself?"

Some things to think about if you're wanting to apply this further:
1) If you're struggling to worship God, then seek out a fuller and greater understanding of His revelation of Himself in the Scriptures and utlimately the Person of Jesus Christ

2) If you're in the middle of a hard and dry situation, when it hurts to even think about praising God, be like the Psalmist and bear your heart to God.  Tell Him exactly how you feel, even if you're angry or you're feeling abandoned.  Tell Him!  And then express your worshipful dependence to Him as you ask Him to rescue you, and worship Him that because He is good and faithful that you can trust in His salvation and His good purposes in your life (Romans 8:29)

3) If you're expressing real blessing and good things at the moment, rejoice and be thankful to God.  Don't sin by stealing the worship God deserves by enjoying the good things at the expense of giving Him all the glory, honour and praise.  Thank the Lord Jesus for His grace to you.

God bless you
David Nixon