What is INDEX?

What is INDEX? An index is 'a guide or pointer to facilitate reference' towards a goal. That goal is a Biblical one: "physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come" (1 Timothy 4:8). We want to guide and equip STUDENTS & YOUNG WORKERS (ages 17-30), for the physical life in this world; but more importantly to encourage your spiritual growth in Godliness so you grow up mature and closer to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Let Us Enter 2008 With Our Eyes Fixed On Christ

The title of this post is only part of a quote I wrote down in one of Wayne's last sermon of 2007. It really hit me when he said "Let us leave 2007 and enter 2008 with our eyes fixed on Christ." Happy New Year to you all. I hope each of us grows to a deeper understanding of God, His ways and His love, but most of all, that we grow in our relationship with Him, and in our love for Him.

Over the past three weeks, like most of you, I have been on holiday, and as it turns out, I've had very little to do with myself. This, as it often does, has caused me to think forwards to the future. All the more just now, as I've just spent 3 days with my brother and his wife-to-be in just 6 weeks. It has been an interesting time of thought and I just wanted to share a few things that have come up in reading, and in chats with people.

One blog I enjoy reading regularly is Girl Talk, written by Carolyn Mahaney and her three daughters. I often recommends good books, has good insights, and is generally an enjoyable read too. It's aimed at women (as you can probably tell from the title) but I'm sure men could get something out of it too? If not, The Council for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood is a good place for both men and women.

On New Year's Eve, Jen told me about a website run by Focus on the Family called Boundless, which has some good articles on it. Have a look around. There's lots on there!

Crosswalk also has alot of interesting articles on it, some I've agreed with, others not, but isn't that same with everything?

Also, I would totally recommend listening to John Piper's sermons online or reading some of his articles. He puts all his sermons on a podcast so that's simple to listen to.

I addition to John Piper, I've been listening to the sermons given at Holy Trinity Brompton (HTB - a church in London where Alpha was born). They too put their sermons on podcast. They also have this thing called the Relationship Pod which is worth a listen. They cover everything from divorce and bereavement, to what makes a good friend, to a discussion on whether speed dating is biblical!

I hope this will wet your appetite to think through issues and topics deeper. It may even spark conversations in addition to the ones the Index series is bringing up on Sunday nights!