What is INDEX?

What is INDEX? An index is 'a guide or pointer to facilitate reference' towards a goal. That goal is a Biblical one: "physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come" (1 Timothy 4:8). We want to guide and equip STUDENTS & YOUNG WORKERS (ages 17-30), for the physical life in this world; but more importantly to encourage your spiritual growth in Godliness so you grow up mature and closer to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Summer Index #5: Eph 3:1-21

Ephesians 3:1-21 – “The Mystery and Ministry of the Gospel”

Paul suffers imprisonment for the sake of the ministry of the mystery of God’s gospel.

1) The Mystery (v.1-6)
- “Mystery” here refers to something which was veiled in the Old Testament but which has now been made known; namely, that the Gentiles would be grafted into the tree of Israel and become dominant in the church, while many Jews fell into unbelief for a time. For Jews, who hated Gentiles, this message was of great offence and so they sought to have Paul imprisoned (as seen the in latter portion of Acts).

2) The Ministry (v.7-13)
- “Minister according to the gift of God’s grace” (v.7) is an interesting way to describe evangelism. We see it more as a duty or responsibility (sometimes an unpleasant burden), but here we see Paul imprisoned because of his evangelistic activities describing it as a gift of God’s grace. This is perspective shaping.

- This ministry is done through the power and strength of God (v.7b) and we are not just left on our own to accomplish it, rather we have “boldness and access with confidence through our faith” to the reigning King Jesus to help, comfort and carry us throughout the many hardships and rejections that must necessarily come as gospel ministers.

- Purpose is to “preach” and “bring light to everyone” what is God’s plan and purpose in the gospel

- The theatre for the gospel is i) this-worldly with bringing the gospel to unbelievers who have previously been in ignorance of God’s plans (like the Gentiles), and also ii) other-worldly since now God’s wisdom is being “made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places” (v.10) so that all the angelic creation might marvel at God’s plan of redemption in His loving grace (something they do not participate in, as those who have fallen have no hope of salvation)

- The focus of this ministry is God’s “eternal purpose” (v.11), not just to save us individually for our own purposes but rather that we might fit into His eternal and cosmic purposes. Let’s not make the gospel so small that it’s just about us!

3) The Ministers (v.14-21)
- Paul prays a long, complex, one-sentence prayer for the individual ministers of the gospel.

- In summary, He prays for their growth in the Christian life (their sanctification) which is made up of being strengthened in their inmost parts by Christ taking up His dwelling/residence within and as they yield to Him daily that He will more and more fill them with His fullness (perfections) and know the incredible, inescapable, incomprehensible, unconquerable love of God. Jesus in our hearts is renovating our being, His dwelling, for Heaven by making us more like Himself through His great power that works within us.

- All the stages that Paul prays for is fuelled and accomplished by an attribute of God’s character and being – we don’t need to make ourselves better by our efforts, we need Him to come and work in us.

- A great reminder in v.20 of God’s incredible power to do more than we can ask or imagine – what a great God we have!

4) Application:
- Paul’s desire to preach the gospel to the Gentiles is still relevant today with many still to hear, but now also there is the need to call to unbelieving Israel to be saved. - -

- What a challenge also to be outward focused and selfless no matter what the cost and consequences to ourselves, just as Paul was in his ministry and imprisonment for the gospel!

- Paul while in chains prays for the Ephesian church that they would grow as Christian believers, which is a challenge for what our prayer life should be like for others and the priorities for prayer!

- We need to be letting Christ dwell in our hearts and be daily surrendering to Him in every area. This also means to cease the many areas of rebellion in our lives which hinder and quench His work through His Spirit, like sin and complacency.

- We need to be heavenly focused on God’s eternal purposes which are the most important, that we might be saved and sanctified. We so easily spend most of our time and energies on things which are far from these purposes.

- A constant reminder of the majesty and awesome love and character of God which is revealed throughout the passage, of His incredible love, strength, grace, abundance, wisdom, purposes, power.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Summer Index #4 - Eph 2:11-22

Ephesians 2:11-22 "The Gospel of Reconciliation"

1) What we once were, when alienated from God as Gentiles (v.11-12):
- separated from Christ
- alienated
- strangers to the promises of God
- having no hope
- without God in the world

2) How Christ has made peace and reconciled us (v.13-18):
- through His blood
- through His flesh (death on the Cross) which has:
*broken down the wall of hostility between God and us; and between Jews (God’s covenant community) and Gentiles => likewise all worldly barriers of inequality class, race, gender have been broken down and overcome in Christ – He is the only way for unity
*abolished the condemnation coming from the Law by fulfilling the moral law, and becoming the one and only sacrifice necessary for atonement, thus abolishing the cermonial law (v.14-15a)
*made a new man and new humanity united to Him (v.15b)
*reconciled us to God in His body (v.16)
- granted us access to the Father through His Spirit (v.18)

3) What Christ's new community looks like (v.19-22):
We are given three pictures of what the church is to look like:
- fellow citizens (v.19a) => members of God's kingdom, with all its attendant rights, privileges, protections and status
- members of God's household (v.19b) => members of God's family as children
- a Temple built on the foundation of Christ for => we ARE the place where God receives praise and worship in Spirit and in Truth. We are living stones of His temple, we are indwelt by His Spirit who fills His temple; and we are built up upon the key foundation stone of Himself.

4) Application:
- The church as God’s new community should be a place of unity amongst diversity. Instead of seeking to make everyone the same, the church should be a place where unbelievers see an incredible unity among people who otherwise should never be able to get on by worldly understanding. The truth of the gospel reconciling work of Christ can be displayed by the local church in this way.

- Citizens have many rights, but they also have responsibilities for participation in kingdom life – let us seek to be active servants and workers in God’s kingdom, since we are His workmanship created for good works and to represent His kingdom wherever we go, and whatever we do.

- Citizenship so often in the world has come out of a struggle for equality of status between unequals (think of Rome's struggle of the Plebians for recognition as citizens equal with the wealthy and powerful Patrician class); in a similar way we are equal with all the saints, even the greatest of Christian examples who we look up to we have the same basic spiritual equality in God's economy and the same potential to be used by God through the working of His mighty power in us.

- We should be moved and broken for the lost who are spiritually destitute, alienated and having no hope in this world. There is hope available through the work of Christ!

- We should be pursuing holiness in this new community and as this new humanity in Christ, since we are to be Christ’s holy temple

- Instead of focusing on the failings of the local church and its many problems, we should see the vision for what God wants this new community to be like and playing our part in asking God to use us in building up His temple established upon Jesus.  The fuller context of this text is the incredible grace of God which infuses His church and covers our many failings to live up to the 3 pictures of God's community in this fallen world.

Summer Index #3 - Eph 2:1-10

Ephesians 2:1-10 “The Gospel of Grace and The Old Life”

1) Characteristics of The Old Life (v.1-3)
- dead (v.1)
- in trespasses and sins (v.1)
- lacking purpose, blindly following the crowds of the world, which are ultimately led by Satan (v.2)
- disobedient (v.2)
- lived indulging the passions and desires of the flesh (v.3)
- by nature children of wrath (v.3)

2) Christ’s Rescue (v.4-7)
- God’s kindness, rich mercy and great love has motivated Him to save us (v.4) => what incredible grace it is to save and love those who are enemies and unlovely
- in contrast to the death of the old life, has made us alive with Christ in a new life (v.5)
- raised us up and seated us with Christ in the heavenly places (v.7) => our position and standing in Christ is in glory. As Christ sits and rests for His redemptive work which was completed on the Cross; likewise our endeavours to earn favour with God can cease since we sit and rest on the completed work of Christ on our behalf which has been given to us in His grace (v.6)

3) The New Life of Grace (v.8-10)
- The new life begins and continues in faith of what Christ has done for us
- The new life is a gift, which we need to live in thankfulness for having received it
- Instead of being children of wrath prepared for destruction, we are made God’s workmanship, we are His masterpiece
- We have a purpose: to walk in good works that He has prepared for us

4) Application
- We begin the Christian life in faith and we must continue to walk in faith. Never is the Christian life about our works, our earning greater favour with God, or us needing to impress Him by doing things ourselves. He does the work to save us, He prepares the work for us to walk in, and He gives us the power and enabling to do His work.

- We need to consciously seek to live and apply grace to our lives and ways of thinking; rooting out any of the spiritual pride and self-righteousness that so easily creeps in to detract from God’s work of grace in saving us.

- We need to turn from following the crowds of this world, recognising that that is the way of destruction led by Satan and instead seek to live as God’s workmanship going the other direction

- We need to remember this new life is in Christ, was given by Him and is secured by Him who sits on the throne in Heaven today. We must seek to live holy lives fit and glorifying Him for the grace He has given us; not to say “I owe you” (which is moralism and legalism) but that says “Thank you, I love you” (which is obedience in the face of God’s glorious grace).

Summer Index #2 - Eph 1:13-23

Ephesians 1:13-23 “A Gospel-Driven Life of Praise”

1) In light of the incredible spiritual blessings we have received, which are for “the praise of His glory” (v.14), Paul prays:
- In thanksgiving for the faith of the Ephesians and how it works out in their love for one another in God’s community and Paul’s work (v.15-16)
- Asks they may have a spirit of “wisdom and revelation” so they can
*know Christ better having their hearts enlightened (v.17-18a)
*know the great hope of the gospel (v.18b)
*know the riches of their glorious inheritance (v.18 referring to v.13)
*know God’s immeasurable power working on their behalf, by Christ who has died, risen and reigns at the right hand of the Father with all power, authority and dominion over all things (v.19-21)

2) Application:
- Receipt of the gospel is to work out in our lives as praise to God and love towards others
- After having received the gospel, we still must press on and pray to know God all the better and have our hearts enlightened in the knowledge of Christ
- Need to set our minds on the great future hope and Spirit guaranteed inheritance we have in Christ as we run the race
- Remember in the midst of trouble that God’s great power and authority is on our side, and it cannot be defeated by all the works of the enemy
- We as the church (the new gospel community) as Christ’s body are to seek to be filled with Him and be His fullness in this world to bring Him praise and declare His praises (v.22-23)

Summer Index #1: Eph1:1-12

Ephesians 1:1-12 “An Overview of the Gospel’s Blessings”

1) We have been given every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places (v.3):-
- chosen to be made holy and blameless (v.4)
- lovingly predestined for adoption as God’s children (v.5)
- blessed us with His grace and with the same love the Father has for the Son (v.6)
- redemption from our slavery to sin and alienation from God (v.7)
- forgiveness of our sinful rebellion against God (v.8)
- an inheritance in Christ Jesus

2) What is the purpose of these spiritual blessings?
- so that we would be made a new people, holy and blameless for God (v.4)
- according to the purpose of God’s will (v.5); the mystery of His will (v.9); to work all things together according to the council of His will (v.11)
- to praise and glorify the riches of His grace (v.7) and His glory (v.12)
- to make known God’s wisdom and His richness in lavishing them on us (v.8)
- to achieve God’s purposes of uniting all things in Himself (v.10)

3) Application:
- These blessings form our new identity in Christ, we should live according to who we are now in Christ
- We should seek to live in awe and wonder at what God has done
- We should be praising God’s grace, glory, wisdom and purposes in the Gospel
- To be involved in God’s work of uniting all things to Himself by making known these wonderful blessings in the world

Summer Index 2010 Overview

Over the summer Index continues to meet every Sunday evening for a Bible Study downstairs in the Cafe. This year we are studying the books of Ephesians and 1st Thessalonians.

"The Gospel - New Life in a New Community"

I will try to update this blog regularly to give you a summary of the passages and what we are learning each week, so that even if you are away you can still benefit from God's Word at Index.

Every blessing