What is INDEX?

What is INDEX? An index is 'a guide or pointer to facilitate reference' towards a goal. That goal is a Biblical one: "physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come" (1 Timothy 4:8). We want to guide and equip STUDENTS & YOUNG WORKERS (ages 17-30), for the physical life in this world; but more importantly to encourage your spiritual growth in Godliness so you grow up mature and closer to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Monday, January 17, 2011

SOTM - The Kingdom Concept

The Sermon on the Mount

Introduction to the “Kingdom” Concept.

Matthew’s gospel has the most references to the Kingdom: “the kingdom of God, “the kingdom of Heaven, and “the gospel of the kingdom”.  It introduces the beginning of Jesus’ three year preaching ministry as: “From that time Jesus began to preach, saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” (Matthew 4:17).  It is only a few verses later that we are given the account of the famous “Sermon on the Mount”.

A helpful definition of the kingdom is “God’s people in God’s place under God’s rule” (Graeme Goldsworthy, Gospel and Kingdom).  Revelation 21-22 describes the kingdom of God coming physically into a restored creation and Jesus reigning physically among His people.  This is a future reality.  However, it is interesting to read what Jesus says about the kingdom in the gospels, as it is too simple to say that the kingdom is totally awaiting future fulfillment.

Looking at these texts Jesus indicates:
o       Matthew 4:17 (is near)– the kingdom is at hand/near to coming imminently
o       Luke 17:20-21 (has come) - Jesus deals with the wrong assumptions of the Jews about a material kingdom saying the kingdom is in their midst, presumably referring to His presence among them. 
o       Luke 22:15-18 (will come) – then at the Passover feast Jesus looks ahead to when it will be celebrated again in the kingdom with His people in the future.
o       Acts 1:6-7 and 10-11 (will come but ambiguous as to when) – finally the disciples ask Jesus prior to His ascension, when will the kingdom come?  Jesus does not tell them when it will yet come in the future (He does not tell them they are wrong to ask this question because the kingdom has already come in its fullness) rather they are told He will return in same way to the Mount of Olives, presumably to establish the kingdom in all its fullness described in Revelation 21-22.

Furthermore, numerous scriptures describe Jesus now, having ascended back into Heaven, as reigning at the right hand of authority of the Father on the throne in the kingdom (Acts 7:55; Eph 1:20; 1 Peter 3:22).

How can we put this altogether to get a coherent picture of Jesus’ teaching on the kingdom?   

A helpful phrase is that God’s kingdom is “Now and Not Yet, but Will Be”.  The Kingdom has come now for those who place their faith in Jesus (Colossians 1:13) in a spiritual sense.  We are seated with Christ and in Christ NOW (Ephesians 2).  We are indwelt by the Holy Spirit.  However, we do NOT YET experience the fullness of the kingdom promises of a glorified body and life in a restored New Heaven and New Earth where the Lord reigns physically.  When Jesus returns He will bring in the fullness of His kingdom in this way, described at the end of Isaiah and Revelation, and so the Kingdom WILL BE.  Until this happens we are in the “Overlap of the Ages” when Christ reigns spiritually but before He returns to reign physically, having put away all sin and rebellion on the Earth.

So much more can be said and written on this, but for now let me leave this summary.  

Next post will deal with the theme of God’s kingdom traced throughout all the scriptures.

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