In September, we had a welcome weekend to welcome new students to Edinburgh, and welcome back people who had been away for the summer. It's also just a good opportunity to meet new people and have fun together. We had a Saturday afternoon of sledging down a hill on bin bags, then a ceilidh in the evening, as well as Sunday Lunch after the service the next day.
On a fairly regular basis, as well as meeting for our food, worship and teaching on Sunday evenings, we met on Saturday evenings to chill out, chat and play games which have included sardines, mafia and dutch blitz. :)
In January, we had our annual weekend away. We went to Compass Christian Centre for the weekend and had quality teaching from the book of Mark, times to chill, chat and get to know one another better and game times as well as free time and times of praise.

Other moments have included a pot luck lunch before a baptism service...
... and an impromptu snowball fight on the Royal Mile with one another and passers by when snow fell heavily during the evening service and our Index meeting.

It would be great to have you join us Sunday evenings from 8.30pm, at Carrubbers, in the Oak Hall (up stairs) if you are between the ages of 17 and 30. We meet for food, worship and a time of teaching/discussion.
Join our facebook group (search "carrubbers index") to keep up to date with things going on.