Louise Bennett
August 7-15th : Louise is helping to lead a Scripture Union camp in Arran.
It is a big camp with around 100 kids, aged 12-18.
Prayer that relationships with both kids and other team leaders would be good.
That kids who don’t yet know Christ would come to know him and that those who already know Him will grow in their faith.
Louise Bell
Presbyterian Summer Team in Kilkenny (August 8th – 15th)
That lives would be saved through the street work that will be done over the week
Future plans to become clear; uni, job etc
Joel Woodier
Doing a Christian camp in Wales – 18-25th Aug
Colin Walker
2 week outreach team in NI at the start of August
God would provide good team units
Effective outreach and witness
Laura Combe
Resit in august – this needs to be passed before Laura can stay on the course and do her elective in the Netherlands
David Nixon
That David would be a good witness to his work colleagues.
For energy as dealing with stressed people… patience and grace also!
David is doing an internship at Carrubbers over the summer:
That he would be a blessing as he serves God in the church
That this would provide experience, guidance and wisdom as David looks towards ministry opportunities in the future.
Kirsty McDonald
Going back to uni in July and August – that Kirsty would be able to get back into the swing of things without too much difficulty.
For renewed energy and enthusiasm.
Ruth Acheson
May be back in Edinburgh for some of Room65 – that God would open this door if that’s where He wants Ruth to be.
Emma Forbes
Emma is helping at a Scripture Union camp/holiday club in Peebles in August
Prayer that it would be a fun week!
That the kids would hear the Good news and respond to it!
Jo Hutton
Keep in contact with uni friends and keep conversations going that have been started.
Jason Barrington
Working with a church in Peru
Encouraging the church body
Speaking at churches
Helping at street kids’ breakfast club
Doing some street preaching and evangelism.
Kirsten Strain
That while she is back home she will get the chance to go to church regularly and become part of the church community.
David Meyer
That God would help him decide whether or not to do his honour year.
Guidance about what to do after finishing uni.
Help with staying in touch with friends, both Christian and non-Christian.
Keep encouraging friends.
David Warden
Prayer for wisdom and guidance about David and Claire’s future!
For willingness that God would use them both for His purposes
Calum Johnston
For help in making and keeping non-Christian friends.
Jonathan Murnane
Involvement in Room65.
Hazel Cochrane
She is involved in some kids’ camps in NI in August
Steph Speers
Possibility of other summer teams happening in NI in August.
Exam resit at the start of august – for help, and motivation to study over summer months.
Being thankful for home and all the opportunities God is providing her with at the moment.
Iain Hamill
Good witness to friends/family and work colleagues
Consistency and discipline with quiet times etc.
Christine Staight
A plan/guidance from September onwards
Provisions to carry out the plan God provides for the future!
Anna Lambert
Endurance and consistency in bible study and prayer
Leanne Briggs
Pray the café will glorify God’s name and fulfil its purpose in its evangelism and caring capacity.
For friendships to be build on Jesus!
For involvement in Room65 - Overall Catering director
Rachel Meadows
That God would provide a good full time job as a nursery nurse if she is not accepted into uni
Erlend Scott
Room65 involvement
PRAISE: I’ve found a job for after the summer!
Tim Canning
Working in Edinburgh
Girlfriend in Germany
Mikey and Emily Leuhrmann
Adjusting to parenting 3 children
Our future – pray for wisdom about churches we’re pursuing
What is INDEX?
What is INDEX? An index is 'a guide or pointer to facilitate reference' towards a goal. That goal is a Biblical one: "physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come" (1 Timothy 4:8). We want to guide and equip STUDENTS & YOUNG WORKERS (ages 17-30), for the physical life in this world; but more importantly to encourage your spiritual growth in Godliness so you grow up mature and closer to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
July 09
Summer Prayer Requests
Aaron Johnston
Aaron is working at a Christian outdoor camp: 5th June – 30th July.
Age group is 13-16 and many kids are not saved!
That God would prepare Aaron to be the best vessel he can be, that God would use him for whatever He wants.
Team bonding
That the camps would result in kids’ lives being changed for eternity.
Jason Barrington
11th July – Best man at Dave Dickson’s wedding.
14th July – fly to Peru
Working with a church in Peru
Encouraging the church body
Speaking at churches
Helping at street kids’ breakfast club
Doing some street preaching and evangelism.
Colin Walker
Remain accountable to Christian friends as I spend time away from them.
Jayne Woodrow
Mission trip to Czech Republic in July.
Team of 13 going out from home church – team unity
That team would be prayerful in all they do
That the student’s hearts would be softened to hear God’s word!
David Nixon
That David would be a good witness to his work colleagues.
For energy as dealing with stressed people… patience and grace also!
David is doing an internship at Carrubbers over the summer:
That he would be a blessing as he serves God in the church
That this would provide experience, guidance and wisdom as David looks towards ministry opportunities in the future.
Kirsty McDonald
Going back to uni in July and August – that Kirsty would be able to get back into the swing of things without too much difficulty.
For renewed energy and enthusiasm.
Ronald Ssimbwa
His family back in Uganda
His friends in Edinburgh, England and back home in Uganda.
Ruth Acheson
Spark 09: Ruth was also involved in this over the past couple of years.
Kirsten Strain
Kirsten is travelling in July – knows that there will not be much opportunity for Christian fellowship and would like prayer to remain strong in her faith.
David Meyer
Help with staying in touch with friends, both Christian and non-Christian.
Keep encouraging friends.
Calum Johnston
Lots of prayer for the Mission trip Calum is going on to Burkina Faso.
For help in making and keeping non-Christian friends.
Jonathan Murnane
That he might be able to be a good and effective witness in his workplace.
There is the possibility of doing some Scripture Union camps over the summer, depending on Jonathan’s availability…
Joel Woodier
Plans to do Beach Mission at some point
Hazel Cochrane
Hazel is going to South Africa in July – safety while there
Steph Speers
Russia: Possibility of doing Russia team in July.
Help in fundraising for this, as it is very expensive.
Ability to build relationships with non-Christians whilst over there.
That God keep the team safe as they travel and live out there!
Iain Hamill
Enthusiasm for work
Good witness to friends/family and work colleagues
Consistency and discipline with quiet times etc.
Anna Lambert
Endurance and consistency in bible study and prayer
Leanne Briggs
For direction for future plans … and life in general.
For friendships to be build on Jesus!
Mikey and Emily Leuhrmann
Adjusting to parenting 3 children
Our future – pray for wisdom about churches we’re pursuing
Aaron Johnston
Aaron is working at a Christian outdoor camp: 5th June – 30th July.
Age group is 13-16 and many kids are not saved!
That God would prepare Aaron to be the best vessel he can be, that God would use him for whatever He wants.
Team bonding
That the camps would result in kids’ lives being changed for eternity.
Jason Barrington
11th July – Best man at Dave Dickson’s wedding.
14th July – fly to Peru
Working with a church in Peru
Encouraging the church body
Speaking at churches
Helping at street kids’ breakfast club
Doing some street preaching and evangelism.
Colin Walker
Remain accountable to Christian friends as I spend time away from them.
Jayne Woodrow
Mission trip to Czech Republic in July.
Team of 13 going out from home church – team unity
That team would be prayerful in all they do
That the student’s hearts would be softened to hear God’s word!
David Nixon
That David would be a good witness to his work colleagues.
For energy as dealing with stressed people… patience and grace also!
David is doing an internship at Carrubbers over the summer:
That he would be a blessing as he serves God in the church
That this would provide experience, guidance and wisdom as David looks towards ministry opportunities in the future.
Kirsty McDonald
Going back to uni in July and August – that Kirsty would be able to get back into the swing of things without too much difficulty.
For renewed energy and enthusiasm.
Ronald Ssimbwa
His family back in Uganda
His friends in Edinburgh, England and back home in Uganda.
Ruth Acheson
Spark 09: Ruth was also involved in this over the past couple of years.
Kirsten Strain
Kirsten is travelling in July – knows that there will not be much opportunity for Christian fellowship and would like prayer to remain strong in her faith.
David Meyer
Help with staying in touch with friends, both Christian and non-Christian.
Keep encouraging friends.
Calum Johnston
Lots of prayer for the Mission trip Calum is going on to Burkina Faso.
For help in making and keeping non-Christian friends.
Jonathan Murnane
That he might be able to be a good and effective witness in his workplace.
There is the possibility of doing some Scripture Union camps over the summer, depending on Jonathan’s availability…
Joel Woodier
Plans to do Beach Mission at some point
Hazel Cochrane
Hazel is going to South Africa in July – safety while there
Steph Speers
Russia: Possibility of doing Russia team in July.
Help in fundraising for this, as it is very expensive.
Ability to build relationships with non-Christians whilst over there.
That God keep the team safe as they travel and live out there!
Iain Hamill
Enthusiasm for work
Good witness to friends/family and work colleagues
Consistency and discipline with quiet times etc.
Anna Lambert
Endurance and consistency in bible study and prayer
Leanne Briggs
For direction for future plans … and life in general.
For friendships to be build on Jesus!
Mikey and Emily Leuhrmann
Adjusting to parenting 3 children
Our future – pray for wisdom about churches we’re pursuing
Friday, June 19, 2009
Summer Prayer Requests
Kirsty McDonald
Doing on a 3 week mission trip to Nigeria in June to do HIV/Aids work
Moving house in June.
Aaron Johnston
Aaron is working at a Christian outdoor camp: 5th June – 30th July.
Age group is 13-16 and many kids are not saved!
That God would prepare Aaron to be the best vessel he can be, that God would use him for whatever He wants.
Team bonding
That the camps would result in kids’ lives being changed for eternity.
Samuel Scott
Finding a job for the summer
Building relationships with work colleagues, and sharing faith with them.
Colin Walker
Guidance as to how to spend time as God wants this summer.
Continue to be in God’s Word
David Nixon
That David would be a good witness to his work colleagues.
For energy as dealing with stressed people… patience and grace also!
David is doing an internship at Carrubbers over the summer:
That he would be a blessing as he serves God in the church
That this would provide experience, guidance and wisdom as David looks towards ministry opportunities in the future.
Claire Warden
Christianity Explored course which is being run in the North Leith Parish Church over May and June.
Ronald Ssimbwa
Prayer for remaining time with Bethany.
Prayer for the job Ronald has recently applied for
Ruth Acheson
Not sure what summer is going to hold at this stage – and is finding this rather frustrating – that God would provide patience and guidance.
Still searching for a placement in NI or Edinburgh – that God would provide something soon!
A family member and a friend are getting married – for these to be enjoyable occasions.
Jo Hutton
Keep in contact with uni friends and keep conversations going that have been started.
Andrew McClean
Trip to Africa with students from Queen Margaret.
Kirsten Strain
That the various summer Guide camps she will be helping at will bring opportunities to witness.
That while she is back home she will get the chance to go to church regularly and become part of the church community.
Craig McKellar
Wants to be working as a trainee accountant this summer – that God would provide a job opportunity.
David Meyer
That God would help him decide whether or not to do his honour year.
Guidance about what to do after finishing uni.
Keeping up conversation with friends who have shown interest in getting to know God!
David Warden
Prayer for wisdom and guidance about David and Claire’s future!
For willingness that God would use them both for His purposes
Calum Johnston
Lots of prayer for the Mission trip Calum is going on to Burkina Faso.
Jonathan Murnane
That God would help him find a good way to spend his time this summer.
That he might be able to be a good and effective witness in his workplace.
Steph Speers
Being thankful for home and all the opportunities God is providing her with at the moment.
Iain Hamill
An enjoyable and refreshing summer
Enthusiasm for work
Good witness to friends/family and work colleagues
Consistency and discipline with quiet times etc.
Christine Staight
A plan/guidance from September onwards
Provisions to carry out the plan God provides for the future!
Anna Lambert
Praise for God’s provision – Anna has a permanent post at her job!
Endurance and consistency in bible study and prayer
Leanne Briggs
Pray the café will glorify God’s name and fulfil its purpose in its evangelism and caring capacity.
For direction for future plans … and life in general.
For friendships to be build on Jesus!
Louise Bell
Future plans to become clear; uni, job etc
Lois Cameron-Mackintosh
Moving into new flat would go ok
She’ll find a job for the summer
Rachel Meadows
That God would provide a good full time job as a nursery nurse if she is not accepted into uni
Erlend Scott
For wisdom in how to spend his free time this summer
For a good time catching up with old friends.
Tim Canning
Working in Edinburgh
Girlfriend in Germany
Mikey and Emily Leuhrmann
Adjusting to parenting 3 children
Our future – pray for wisdom about churches we’re pursuing
Mikey’s thesis – pray it gets completed soon
Kirsty McDonald
Doing on a 3 week mission trip to Nigeria in June to do HIV/Aids work
Moving house in June.
Aaron Johnston
Aaron is working at a Christian outdoor camp: 5th June – 30th July.
Age group is 13-16 and many kids are not saved!
That God would prepare Aaron to be the best vessel he can be, that God would use him for whatever He wants.
Team bonding
That the camps would result in kids’ lives being changed for eternity.
Samuel Scott
Finding a job for the summer
Building relationships with work colleagues, and sharing faith with them.
Colin Walker
Guidance as to how to spend time as God wants this summer.
Continue to be in God’s Word
David Nixon
That David would be a good witness to his work colleagues.
For energy as dealing with stressed people… patience and grace also!
David is doing an internship at Carrubbers over the summer:
That he would be a blessing as he serves God in the church
That this would provide experience, guidance and wisdom as David looks towards ministry opportunities in the future.
Claire Warden
Christianity Explored course which is being run in the North Leith Parish Church over May and June.
Ronald Ssimbwa
Prayer for remaining time with Bethany.
Prayer for the job Ronald has recently applied for
Ruth Acheson
Not sure what summer is going to hold at this stage – and is finding this rather frustrating – that God would provide patience and guidance.
Still searching for a placement in NI or Edinburgh – that God would provide something soon!
A family member and a friend are getting married – for these to be enjoyable occasions.
Jo Hutton
Keep in contact with uni friends and keep conversations going that have been started.
Andrew McClean
Trip to Africa with students from Queen Margaret.
Kirsten Strain
That the various summer Guide camps she will be helping at will bring opportunities to witness.
That while she is back home she will get the chance to go to church regularly and become part of the church community.
Craig McKellar
Wants to be working as a trainee accountant this summer – that God would provide a job opportunity.
David Meyer
That God would help him decide whether or not to do his honour year.
Guidance about what to do after finishing uni.
Keeping up conversation with friends who have shown interest in getting to know God!
David Warden
Prayer for wisdom and guidance about David and Claire’s future!
For willingness that God would use them both for His purposes
Calum Johnston
Lots of prayer for the Mission trip Calum is going on to Burkina Faso.
Jonathan Murnane
That God would help him find a good way to spend his time this summer.
That he might be able to be a good and effective witness in his workplace.
Steph Speers
Being thankful for home and all the opportunities God is providing her with at the moment.
Iain Hamill
An enjoyable and refreshing summer
Enthusiasm for work
Good witness to friends/family and work colleagues
Consistency and discipline with quiet times etc.
Christine Staight
A plan/guidance from September onwards
Provisions to carry out the plan God provides for the future!
Anna Lambert
Praise for God’s provision – Anna has a permanent post at her job!
Endurance and consistency in bible study and prayer
Leanne Briggs
Pray the café will glorify God’s name and fulfil its purpose in its evangelism and caring capacity.
For direction for future plans … and life in general.
For friendships to be build on Jesus!
Louise Bell
Future plans to become clear; uni, job etc
Lois Cameron-Mackintosh
Moving into new flat would go ok
She’ll find a job for the summer
Rachel Meadows
That God would provide a good full time job as a nursery nurse if she is not accepted into uni
Erlend Scott
For wisdom in how to spend his free time this summer
For a good time catching up with old friends.
Tim Canning
Working in Edinburgh
Girlfriend in Germany
Mikey and Emily Leuhrmann
Adjusting to parenting 3 children
Our future – pray for wisdom about churches we’re pursuing
Mikey’s thesis – pray it gets completed soon
Friday, April 17, 2009
INDEX, this past year.
A few pictures of what we've been up to...
In September, we had a welcome weekend to welcome new students to Edinburgh, and welcome back people who had been away for the summer. It's also just a good opportunity to meet new people and have fun together. We had a Saturday afternoon of sledging down a hill on bin bags, then a ceilidh in the evening, as well as Sunday Lunch after the service the next day.

On a fairly regular basis, as well as meeting for our food, worship and teaching on Sunday evenings, we met on Saturday evenings to chill out, chat and play games which have included sardines, mafia and dutch blitz. :)

In January, we had our annual weekend away. We went to Compass Christian Centre for the weekend and had quality teaching from the book of Mark, times to chill, chat and get to know one another better and game times as well as free time and times of praise.

Other moments have included a pot luck lunch before a baptism service...

... and an impromptu snowball fight on the Royal Mile with one another and passers by when snow fell heavily during the evening service and our Index meeting.

It would be great to have you join us Sunday evenings from 8.30pm, at Carrubbers, in the Oak Hall (up stairs) if you are between the ages of 17 and 30. We meet for food, worship and a time of teaching/discussion.
Join our facebook group (search "carrubbers index") to keep up to date with things going on.
In September, we had a welcome weekend to welcome new students to Edinburgh, and welcome back people who had been away for the summer. It's also just a good opportunity to meet new people and have fun together. We had a Saturday afternoon of sledging down a hill on bin bags, then a ceilidh in the evening, as well as Sunday Lunch after the service the next day.
On a fairly regular basis, as well as meeting for our food, worship and teaching on Sunday evenings, we met on Saturday evenings to chill out, chat and play games which have included sardines, mafia and dutch blitz. :)
In January, we had our annual weekend away. We went to Compass Christian Centre for the weekend and had quality teaching from the book of Mark, times to chill, chat and get to know one another better and game times as well as free time and times of praise.

Other moments have included a pot luck lunch before a baptism service...
... and an impromptu snowball fight on the Royal Mile with one another and passers by when snow fell heavily during the evening service and our Index meeting.

It would be great to have you join us Sunday evenings from 8.30pm, at Carrubbers, in the Oak Hall (up stairs) if you are between the ages of 17 and 30. We meet for food, worship and a time of teaching/discussion.
Join our facebook group (search "carrubbers index") to keep up to date with things going on.
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